La IV Encuesta sobre desplazamiento en Colombia revela la necesidad de avanzar hacia soluciones duraderas para la población desplazada
April 27, 2024
Programa de Participación y Reparación Colectiva de las Víctimas: informe final
April 30, 2024Series: Collective Reparation
Abstract: This document presents the final report of Victims’ Participation and Collective Reparation Program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), that operated between 2014 and january 2024, with the aim of promoting civil society participation in the implementation of Law 1448 of 2011. This Program sought to advocate on the formulation of public policies that contribute to guaranteeing the rights of victims in the framework of peace and reconciliation processes. The pillars of the Consultancy for Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES), which acted as main implementing party, of management, support, research and advocacy capacity, as well as the great commitment and passion for what we do, have allowed us to make intense efforts so that our fellow citizens, displaced, confined, victims of the armed conflict and discriminated people can effectively realize their rights.
The successful implementation for almost a decade of the Program shows the protagonism of civil society in impacting such sensitive and fundamental processes, such as the extension of the applicability of the victims’ law and the implementation of the Peace Agreement. During its execution, the Program fostered spaces of trust and credibility and served as a bridge between the communities and the institutional framework to influence diverse scenarios in reference to the development and operation of public policies. The specific objectives of the Program were:
• Strengthen the organizational and operational capacities of victims’ and civil society organizations.
• Support the initiatives of victims’ organizations and civil society through a grants fund.
• Promote effective participation in collective reparation processes.
• Territorialize the victims’ law, the Peace Agreement and the related policies thereof.
• Strengthen the institutional capacities of victims’ organizations to advocate, monitor, evaluate and follow up on the Comprehensive System for Peace (SIP).
• Influence the processes of legal and/or jurisprudence production to implement the Peace Agreement.
• Promote prevention and protection mechanisms to guarantee the rights to life, integrity and security of social leaders and human rights defenders, victims and communities.
• Promote the guarantee of victims’ rights based on the effective application of the mandates of the Constitutional Court derived from Ruling T-025 of 2004, and the adaptation, extension and compliance with Law 1448 of 2011 and its law decrees for victims of ethnic groups.
• Strengthen and accompany organizations and boards of victims, ethnic peoples, organizational processes of women and LGBTIQ+ persons, collective reparation subjects and civil society organizations to participate and advocate on the national and territorial implementation of the final Peace Agreement (SIP, Development Programs with a Territorial Approach [PDET for its Spanish acronym] and collective reparation), from an effective enjoyment of rights approach.
Keywords: informe, participación, reparación colectiva, víctimas, conflicto armado, Acuerdo de Paz, Ley de Víctimas, fortalecimiento, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, incidencia, derechos humanos, legislación, Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial (PDET), verdad, sujetos de reparación colectiva (SRC), garantías de no repetición, prevención y protección, mujeres, género, juventud, asuntos étnicos, lecciones aprendidas, buenas prácticas, recomendaciones, USAID, CODHES, Colombia
Publication date: 30/04/2024
Supported by: USAID-CODHES Victims´ Participation and Collective Reparation Program
Related organizations: Consultoría para los Derechos Humanos y el Desplazamiento (CODHES); Corporación Opción Legal; Management Sciences for Development (MSD Consulting SAS)